"Of the 120,000 targeted housing units built by 2013 with FLPP, realized approximately 30,000 housing units," said Housing Minister's expert staff Syarief Burhanuddin in Palangka Raya, Sunday.
According to her still open opportunities for developers of housing for people on low incomes to get fund subsidies FLPP.
By 2013, the Government spends more to help Rp6 trillion subsidizing construction of houses for people on low incomes.
"The Fund should be utilized FLPP by developers, not to settle in the bank," said Syarief.
He added the majority of currently untapped FLPP funds still settles in the bank.
The FLPP funds, continued he, should be utilized for construction services or for construction loans so you can lower the costs of construction and lower home prices.
According to him, the FLPP is provided to help developers build cheap housing and a livable society. In this imposed fixed interest rates of 7.25 percent over the period of credit and down payment.
In pricing the House, mengkategoriskan Government area into four parts according to the condition and character of each. Borneo himself went in the region II by the terms House prices, minimum maximum Rp95 million down payment of 10 percent of the price and the value of MORTGAGES up to Rp85,5 million.
Sharif rate, problems faced by the housing development are generally linked Borneo with other parts of Indonesia. In particular, the problem of the determination of space has always been a constraint as there is no clarity.
Next the pricing different every home of the region, he said, it is natural because of the difference in character of dimasing-masing area. One of the influential is the difference in price of building materials.
"An estimated price will continue to rise, especially ahead of the planned rise in fuel prices soon, is expected to be the price of building materials also rose between 10 to 15 percent," he said.
Related spatial plan and the obscurity of the region in some areas, Sharif considered as a dilemma. According to him it should have completed at least two years since law number 26 of 2007 concerning spatial published Government.
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