I believe inflation is unlikely to be sustained, 2013 at 4.9 percent. Least equal to 5.5 per cent, or even could be even higher, "Jakarta (The Car Insurance Info) rising prices of subsidized FUEL to be realized in the near future are valued increasingly fueled high rates of inflation, so that the inflation target by 2013 are defined in the STATE BUDGET amounted to 4.9 percent certainly exceeded.
"I believe inflation is unlikely to be sustained, 2013 at 4.9 percent. Least equal to 5.5 per cent, or even could be even higher, "said Deputy Finance Minister Mahendra Siregar, after following the Deliberation of national development planning (Musrenbangnas) in 2013, Bidakara, Jakarta, on Tuesday.
According to Mahendra, subsidized FUEL price increase will be one of the triggers inflation, in addition to its direct impact can also be mengerek food commodity prices.
"The contribution of food commodities still big against inflation that would proclaimed April 2013 BPS on this week," said Mahendra.
BPS recorded, inflation until March 2013 already amounting to 2.43 percent, the major cause of high inflation in three months this is the prices of food products.
In addition, diutarakannya Commerce holtikulutura which has not been much improvement was also a factor triggering inflation.
However Mahendra expects, the increase in the subsidized fuel prices did not last long because there is the certainty of its realization.
Fuel price hike will have a direct impact on inflation from June (if the increase was realized in may, red).
"But at least there has been the certainty of fuel price hike. Because if not, the rate of inflation will be added the uncertainty itself. Inflation plus the uncertainty, "said Mahendra.
Known to the Government in the policy of FUEL subsidy reduction policy persisted on option one price under $ 6,500 per liter.
As for the rise in fuel price subsidies will be done after the STATE BUDGET assignments Change with Parliament, that 2013 is expected to finish in May.
Related to that, the Government is already preparing other forms of compensation that will be submitted to the Parliament, namely the direct assistance while Community (BLSM) in the form of cash, transfer rice to poor, scholarships are awarded in cash, and family expectations program (PKH).
The Government also provides assistance to communities that were issued by the Ministry and local governments, as well as help the market cheaply by STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES and the private sector.
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